Severe Weather Procedure
Please note, in the event of a severe weather warning that may affect the school’s normal opening hours, the following procedures will be put in place:
(As soon as we are alerted to severe weather warning a ParentMail message and text will be sent to all parents therefore it is very important that you are signed up to this service).
Any decision to close the school will be made by the Headteacher before 7.15am on the day of severe weather.
Information will be sent via ParentMail to parents and posted on the homepage of the school website.
- will be updated on a regular basis – you will need to refresh your browser if you stay logged on to the website
Notification of local school closures will also be broadcast on Radio Jackie.
- The Site Manager will place a notice at the school gates advising of school closure.
- If families receive no notice of closure it must be assumed that the school will be open as normal.
What happens if the weather deteriorates during the school day?
The school will only close in the event of severe weather or on advice from the Local Authority. The decision will be made by the Headteacher.
Where there is significant snowfall, or other extreme weather which requires evacuation of the building during the school day a ParentMail message and website notification will be sent to all parents inviting them to make their way to the school to collect children earlier if they wish.
Children that would usually walk home will be advised to walk in groups.
School will be kept opened and appropriately staffed until the last child has left the building.
Please note that staff are not permitted to give lifts to students.
How you can help:
Relay the message to anyone you know that is not able to be contacted by the school.
Where possible, keep regular checks on the school website.