Fern Hill Primary School Newsletter
Newsletter 2 - Summer Term - 26th April 2024
Key Dates
Saturday 27th April
Eco-Committee Litter Pick with CARA at 10:00 am
Monday 29th April
Parent Council meeting at 9:00 am
Thursday 2nd May
Year 3 Elm class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Author visit (Phillip Kavvadias) for Years 3-6
PSA Meeting in school at 7:00 pm
Friday 3rd May
PSA Year 2 cake sale
Monday 6th May
BANK HOLIDAY - children return to school on Tuesday 7th May
Thursday 9th May
Year 2 Clover class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May
Year 6 SATs in school
Friday 17th May
PSA Year 1 cake sale at 3:00 pm
PSA second-hand uniform sale at 3:00 pm
Monday 20th May
Year 6 PGL meeting for parents at 8:50 am in the Large Hall
Year 1 visit to Windsor Castle
Tuesday 21st May
Year 6 Circus Skills workshop in school
Wednesday 22nd - Thursday 23rd May
Class photographs
Thursday 23rd May
Year 1 Lavender class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Friday 24th May
Year 5 visit to Hampton Court Palace
HOME LEARNING SHOWCASE for children in Years 1 - 6
Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
Click here for term dates including INSET days.
Year group weekly news
Don't forget to check your year group weekly news which is published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. You should sign in using your child's school Google Account - you can find their login details in the front of their Home School Diary.
Home Learning Grids for this half-term are posted on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. All the work should be completed in time for our next Home Learning Showcase on Friday 24th May.
Our school photographer will be taking photographs of the children together in their classes on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May. The photographs will be available to purchase after the half-term break. If you do not wish your child to be included, please email the school office by Friday 17th May.
Spring Litter Pick in Canbury Gardens
On Saturday 27th April, we'll be joining the Canbury and Riverside Association (CARA) for a special Spring litter pick. If you would still like to meet at school to collect your rubbish bag and litter pickers at 10:00 am, we can all walk down to Canbury Gardens playground together to join other volunteers at 10.30 am.
School Lunch
Please remember to order your child's school lunch by 8:00 am on the day required, particularly for Mondays! There are two themed days coming up: Harry Potter on Thursday 2nd May and BBQ Day on Thursday 9th May. Click on the links to view the menus.
Summer term lunchtime and after-school clubs for children in Years 1 through to 6 started this week (except Athletics Club which starts on Friday 3rd May). There are still a few places available for some clubs - email clubs@fernhillprimary.org for further information. You can find the schedule for clubs and the weeks that they are running on the website. Club collection points are also published on the website.
There are two events running at Grand Avenue Primary School, Surbiton in May to support parents and carers of children who have received a diagnosis of autism or are on the pathway for an assessment of autism: an Understanding Autism seminar on Thursday 9th May and an ASD Parent Support Group session on Thursday 23rd May. Please see the linked flyers for further information or contact the facilitator, Jane Pidduck, directly by email at: jpiddu2@grandavenue.kingston.sch.uk or by phone on 020 8399 5344.
Book of the Week
'Warriors: Into the Wild' by Erin Hunter
For generations, four clans of wild cats have shared the forest according to the laws laid down by their ancestors. But the warrior code has been threatened, and the ThunderClan cats are in grave danger. The sinister ShadowClan grows stronger every day. Noble warriors are dying--and some deaths are more mysterious than others. In the midst of this turmoil appears an ordinary house cat named Rusty . . . who may turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all.
The Year 5 Book Club have just finished reading the new 20th anniversary edition of 'Into the Wild', and here's what they had to say about it:
‘This book makes me feel really happy because these cats are so independent.’ Selbi
‘A world of suspense, death and adventure!’ Ezoza
‘I liked Firepaw and Greypaw as Firepaw is daring and Greypaw is very cheerful.’ Vangmayi
‘I’d recommend this book to people who like fights, plot twists and cats! (I’m that person)’ Elena
‘I liked Yellowfang because she is a sassy girl and I feel like she is really sweet though she appears nasty.’ Esme
The overall winner this week is RICHMOND
PSA News & Events
Car Boot Sale postponed to 9th June!
Due to a very unhelpful weather forecast, the decision has been made to postpone the car boot sale to 9th June. Everyone who has already booked a slot remains confirmed and if you have time for a clear out in the next couple of weeks and would like to book a slot to sell your unwanted items, please contact Caroline on 07912 672694.
Next PSA meeting this Thursday at 7:00 pm!
Our next meeting will be held at school at 7:00 pm on Thursday 2nd May. You will also be able to dial in remotely - details to follow. Thanks!