Fern Hill Primary School Newsletter
Newsletter 1 - Summer Term - 19th April 2024
Key Dates
Monday 22nd April
Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop in school
Year 3 Roman Britain Workshop in school
Thursday 25th April
Year 4 Larch class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Sunday 28th April
PSA Car Boot Sale at 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thursday 2nd May
Year 3 Elm class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Author visit (Phillip Kavvadias) for Years 3-6
PSA Meeting in school at 7:30 pm
Friday 3rd May
PSA Year 2 cake sale
Monday 6th May
BANK HOLIDAY - children return to school on Tuesday 7th May
Thursday 9th May
Year 2 Clover class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May
Year 6 SATs in school
Friday 17th May
PSA Year 1 cake sale
PSA second-hand uniform sale
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
Click here for term dates including INSET days.
Kingston Music Service
If your child has lessons with a KMS tutor during the school day, their lessons will begin again next week. You can find out more about Kingston Music Service and the lessons they offer here.
Year group weekly news
Don't forget to check your year group weekly news which is published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. You should sign in using your child's school Google Account - you can find their login details in the front of their Home School Diary.
Home Learning Grids for this half-term are posted on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. All the work should be completed in time for our next Home Learning Showcase on Friday 24th May.
Please remember to order your child's school lunch by 8:00 am on the day required, particularly for Mondays! Thursday 2nd May is a Harry Potter-themed day; you can see the menu here.
Summer term lunchtime and after-school clubs for children in Years 1 through to 6 start next week (except Athletics Club which starts on Friday 3rd May). There are still a few places available for some clubs - email clubs@fernhillprimary.org for further information. You can find the schedule for clubs and the weeks that they are running on the website. Club collection points are also published on the website.
Welcome back to school; we hope all our families had a lovely Easter break. We have a busy summer term ahead - key dates will be updated shortly on the website calendar. Inevitably, there will be changes to these dates and new ones added. We will always let you know of any changes as soon as we can, and they will be reflected in the key dates section of this weekly newsletter. Just in case you missed it at the end of last term, please do have a look at Kingston Educational Trust's latest Newsletter, with our highlights from the spring term, including the library, Eco-Committee and sport.
Please save the date for Sports Day, which will be held on Friday 7th June at the YMCA Hawker Centre again. The format will be the same as last year with events for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 running in the morning from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and events for children in Years 3 to 6 running in the afternoon from 12:00 – 3:00 pm. We hope you will join us to cheer on your children and enjoy a whole school picnic lunch from 12:00 - 12:30 pm.
Bat Walk with Elliot Newton
The children met Kingston's Biodiversity officer, Elliot Newton, last term when he came to Fern Hill to deliver an assembly all about badgers. You can find out more about this - and see some fantastic footage of our own badgers - in the spring term highlights linked above. On Monday 22nd April, Elliot will be leading a bat walk around our local area. He will be providing some bat detectors and accompanying us on a search for bats as the sun sets. This is an open event for the public, but we know Fern Hill children are very interested in nature and the local environment and Miss Evans would love to see you there! We'll meet at the Canbury Gardens Bandstand at 7.45 pm.
Spring Litter Pick in Canbury Gardens
On Saturday 27th April, we'll be joining the Canbury and Riverside Association (CARA) for a special Spring litter pick. If you would still like to meet at school to collect your rubbish bag and litter pickers at 10:00 am, we can all walk down to the Canbury Gardens playground together to join other volunteers at 10.30 am.
Book of the Week
'Mission Microraptor' by Philip Kavvdias
Finn is on a school trip to the French Alps with his friend Milo (the ‘Professor’) when he falls into a glacier and discovers a mysterious egg. Later that night the egg begins to hatch, but he couldn't have anticipated what actually emerges - an extinct, 65 million-year-old, flying dinosaur called a microraptor. Artemis the microraptor immediately imprints on Finn, but they hardly have any time to bond before their hotel room is under siege by mercenaries trying to steal her, and Finn and Milo go on the run with Arty to keep her out of the hands of evil scientists.
This hilarious, madcap adventure is crammed with non-stop action, survival skills, witty quips, and impossible creatures - perfect for fans of Rick Riordan, Maz Evans and Katie & Kevin Tsang’s ‘Dragon Realm’ books.
Philip Kavvadias will be visiting our KS2 pupils on Thursday 2nd May. If you would like a copy of 'Mission Microraptor', to be signed by the author on the day, please make payment via ParentPay by 9:00 am on Monday 22nd April.
Diversity & Inclusion Community Event
On Tuesday 23rd April from 6:30 pm, the Kingston Police are providing an opportunity for you to tell them how you think the police can work more closely with diverse communities to improve trust and confidence in the Borough. The event will be held at Hollyfield School in Surbiton. Click here for further information.
HENRY Newsletter for Parents
HENRY is an organisation focused on ensuring children get the best possible start in life. They provide a wide range of support for families from pregnancy to age 12, including free workshops, programmes, resources and online help. Their newsletter has details of two upcoming events: growing up and understanding children's behaviour. You can read the newsletter here.
The overall winner this week is RICHMOND (who were also the winners of the Spring Term Team Points Cup!)
PSA News & Events
Car Boot Sale - sell your unwanted items and raise money for school!
Our first PSA Car Boot Sale will be held in the school car park on Sunday 28th April! There is still time to book your space to sell - a single car space costs just £25, and you keep all your takings. To book a space, contact Caroline on 07912 672694.
Tea Towels - last call to hand in your child’s self-portrait!
Don’t forget to hand in your child’s self-portrait for their class tea towel to their class teacher, if they have not already completed one in class. The deadline to hand it in is Monday 22nd April 2024.
PSA Meeting - Thursday 2nd May
Our next meeting is on Thursday 2nd May and can be attended in person or virtually (link to follow). Come along and join us to discuss the Summer Fair and other exciting events coming up!