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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School



As a parent or carer, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. We are aware that children have many wonderful learning moments when they are not at school and we are very keen to find out about these.  

Staff in Reception and Nursery use a software package called Tapestry to record and track Foundation Stage children’s achievement and progress at school. As a parent or carer, you are able to view your child’s learning experiences in school by accessing the Tapestry app via your PC and online android and iOS devices. These observations are made by all practitioners in Nursery and Reception, in order to capture children’s learning as it happens. Some observations will consist of a photo with an annotation, some will be just a photo and some will be an informal, observational note of a learning moment.

The Tapestry app also makes it easy for families to contribute photos, video and notes on their child’s experiences and achievements outside of school, enabling us to build a full picture of each child’s progress.

When you child moves on from Reception to the next stage of their learning in Year 1, you can download a copy of their Tapestry Learning Journal to keep and treasure, as an electronic file or paper copy.

Further information about Tapestry is available below: an introduction for parents and carers and user guides for the Tapestry App.

You can access Tapestry via this link:

If you have any questions about Tapestry, please speak to your class teacher.

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence