Fern Hill Primary School Newsletter
Newsletter 6 - Autumn Term - 3rd November 2023
Key Dates
Thursday 9th November
Year 6 Oak class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Saturday 11th November
Gardening Day from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - all welcome!
Monday 13th November
Anti-Bullying Alliance Odd Socks Day
Tuesday 14th November
Year 4 Ancient Greece workshop in school
PSA Quiz Night at The Boaters Inn
Thursday 16th November
Year 5 Ash class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Friday 17th November
BBC Children in Need fundraising day
Year 5 Science Dome workshop in school
Thursday 23rd November
Year 4 Chestnut class parent assembly at 9:00 am
PSA Fireworks Night at 5:45 pm
Friday 24th November
PSA second-hand uniform sale at 3:00 pm
Thursday 30th November
Year 1 Amazing Animals workshop in school
Year 3 visit to London Southbank
Friday 1st December
Year 3 Beech class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
Click here for term dates including INSET days.
Coats & PE Kits
With the colder weather, please ensure that your child wears a warm coat to school - break times will always be spent outside, even if there is a little rain. For outdoor PE, children should now be wearing black tracksuits or jogging bottoms and a long sleeved jumper or jacket, not just shorts and a t-shirt.
Car Parking
There is strictly no parking on the school site for drop off in the morning, dismissal at the end of the school day or collection from after-school clubs. If you are parking on neighbouring roads, please do so considerately and legally, and be especially mindful of children walking to and from school, particularly at the junctions of Durlston Road, Albany Park Road and Richmond Road. Parking restrictions on neighbouring roads apply from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm only.
Google Classroom
Did you know that you can set up notifications on your child's Google Classroom to alert you when your teachers publish a post? You can enable this for any device, including your mobile phone. Please see the step-by-step instructions here. Don't forget that Home Learning Grids for children in Years 1-6 are now published on the Classrooms and work should be completed in time for the class Home Learning Showcases in school on Friday 8th December.
Remembrance Day
Next week, children and staff will commemorate Remembrance Day in the classroom and through special assemblies and the whole school will join a two-minute silence on Friday 10th November. To support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, our Year 5 & 6 children will be selling poppies in the morning and after school every day.
Curriculum Evening
Unfortunately, our Curriculum Evening, planned for next Thursday 9th November, has been postponed. It will now be held on Wednesday 17th January. Please save the date! Further information will be sent out before the end of term, but the event is an excellent opportunity to gain a greater insight into aspects of teaching and learning at Fern Hill from the Senior Leadership Team and Subject Leads. It is for parents and carers only and open for all years.
On Saturday 11th November we are holding our first Gardening Day of the school year to ready our gardens for the autumn. If you can spare an hour, or more, between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, we would love to see you there. Everyone is welcome and refreshments are provided. Please bring your own gardening tools if you have them – gloves, trowels, forks, spades, hedge clippers etc. Thank you!
Anti-Bullying Week & RESPECT
During the week of 13th November, we will be marking the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s (ABA) Anti-Bullying Week. The ABA’s theme this year is ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’. Our theme is RESPECT - with respect and empathy, we connect.
Our theme of RESPECT has been chosen by the School Council and throughout the week we will explore how we can respect each other and be safe in and outside of school. The focus will be on bullying (calling it out and recognising it); staying safe online; respecting our bodies; and developing healthy habits and relationships. The children will take part in assemblies and a special drama workshop. Look out for more information next week.
On Monday 13th November, children and staff are invited to wear their funkiest, oddest socks to celebrate their individuality and show their support for Odd Socks Day. This is not a mufti day, so children should wear their school uniform – but with some fantastic, odd socks!
To end the week, on Friday 17th November there will be a mufti day - to show our support and raise money for the BBC Children in Need charity.
Fundraising for the BBC Children in Need Appeal
On Friday 17th November, we will be supporting the BBC Children in Need Appeal with a fundraising mufti day - the children don't need to wear school uniform, but we do hope to see lots of spotty and yellow clothing! In return, we'll be asking for a donation to the Children in Need charity. A limited number of Pudsey pin badges and wristbands will be available to buy at drop off in the morning and the PSA will be holding a special cake sale at the end of the day with all proceeds going to the charity to help support vulnerable children in the UK and around the world. Look out for more information coming home soon.
TEAM POINTS...will be back next week!
PSA News & Events
PSA Quiz Night at The Boaters Inn - book your tickets by Sunday 5th November!
There is still time to get a team together and book your tickets for our Quiz Night at The Boaters Inn, which will be held on Tuesday 14th November. Tickets cost £12 and include a glass of house wine, beer or soft drink. You'll need to book all the tickets for your team (max. of 6 people) at the same time using the link here. We look forward to seeing you there!
Fireworks Night - rescheduled to Thursday 23rd November
Fireworks Night will now be held on Thursday 23rd November (the timings have not changed). We are sorry that the adverse weather conditions forced us to postpone the evening - and that some families may no longer be able to attend. We made the decision based on safety concerns which we hope you will all understand. Thank you.