Fern Hill Primary School Newsletter
Newsletter 3 - Summer Term - 3rd May 2024
Key Dates
Monday 6th May
BANK HOLIDAY - children return to school on Tuesday 7th May
Thursday 9th May
Year 2 Clover class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May
Year 6 SATs in school
Friday 17th May
PSA Year 1 cake sale at 3:00 pm
PSA second-hand uniform sale at 3:00 pm
Monday 20th May
Year 6 PGL meeting for parents at 8:50 am in the Large Hall
Year 1 visit to Windsor Castle
Year 2, 5 & 6 visit to the Rose Theatre
Tuesday 21st May
Year 6 Circus Skills workshop in school
Wednesday 22nd - Thursday 23rd May
Class photographs
Thursday 23rd May
Year 1 Lavender class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Friday 24th May
Year 5 visit to Hampton Court Palace
HOME LEARNING SHOWCASE for children in Years 1 - 6
Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June
Thursday 6th June
Reception Sunflower class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Friday 7th June
Sports Day for Reception - Year 6
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
Click here for term dates including INSET days.
Year group weekly news
Don't forget to check your year group weekly news which is published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. You should sign in using your child's school Google Account - you can find their login details in the front of their Home School Diary.
Home Learning Grids for this half-term are posted on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. All the work should be completed in time for our next Home Learning Showcase on Friday 24th May.
Snapchat My AI Chatbot
Snapchat is one of the main social media apps used by children today, from Year 3 up. Snapchat My AI Chatbot is a new feature in the app that parents should be aware of in terms of both privacy issues and its potential to expose children to inappropriate content and misinformation. Wayne Denner, an online safety consultant, has put together a useful article explaining all about My AI with tips for parents, including how to disable the chatbot from replying. You can read the article here.
Don't forget to order your child's school lunch by 8:00 am on the day required - you can order for the weeks ahead too. Our next themed day is BBQ Day on Thursday 9th May.
Sports Day - Friday 7th June
We are really looking forward to welcoming all our families to Fern Hill’s Sports Day on Friday 7th June, when our whole community can come together to celebrate the children’s achievements. Once again, we will be holding Sports Day at the YMCA Hawker Centre on Richmond Road. Today, you will have received a letter via ParentPay with all the details of the day. A copy of the letter is linked here. Nursery will be having their own Sports Day in school later this term on Friday 28th June.
If you have a child in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, please complete the collection arrangements form linked here by Monday 20th May to let us know whether we will be dismissing your child directly to you at the Hawker Centre or if they will be returning to school. Please note that children will NOT be permitted to walk home alone from the Hawker Centre.
All children will need a packed lunch on the day and should wear school PE kit with a t-shirt representing their Fern Hill House colour - please see the letter for further information.
Music in Kingston
Join the Kingston Music Service, and a host of the most exciting music makers in the borough, for an afternoon of performances, workshops, and exhibitions, from 12.00 - 3:00 pm on Saturday 18th May. Held in the glorious surroundings of All Saints Church, Kingston, this is an opportunity for young people and adults alike to explore the breadth of what the borough has to offer, from listening to short performances, to taking part in free workshops, or even having a go at a new instrument. It's free to attend, and you can find out more here.
Book of the Week
'Tidemagic: The Many Faces of Ista Flit' by Clare Harlow
Ista Flit lives in the town of Shelwich next to a river, a place imbued with a magic that rises and falls with the tides and gives its inhabitants ‘tide blessings’ - magical gifts. Ista’s tide blessing is that she can shift and assume the form of any other person and use their tide blessing while she does it. She uses her gift to steal things for the mysterious Alexo Rokis in order to win back her father’s clarinet - the only thing she has left of him since he disappeared. But Shelwich is under threat from the grilks - terrifying creatures that stalk the streets of Shelwich by night and snatch people away from their families. When Ista meets Nat, in the course of one of her jobs, he challenges her to help him find the person behind the grilk attacks and they begin to investigate with the help of Ruby, whose sister is the grilks’ most recent victim. But, as it turns out, the grilks are not the most dangerous things lurking in the dark alleys of Shelwich.
‘Tidemagic’ is positively oozing with atmosphere - a captivating, evocative fantasy read for upper KS2, perfect for fans of Jamie Littler, Amy Sparkes and Tamzin Merchant.
Author Visit: Philip Kavvadias
On Thursday, our KS2 pupils enjoyed a fantastic visit from Philip Kavvadias, author of 'Mission: Microraptor' - a hilarious, action-packed adventure about a boy who discovers a microraptor egg in a glacier in the Alps while on a school trip. Philip told us all about therapods and how dinosaurs evolved into birds, and then we plotted our own adventure stories. If you missed the book order deadline, 'Mission: Microraptor' is available in the school library and there is a copy in each KS2 classroom as well.
The overall winner this week is RICHMOND
PSA News & Events
Fundraising update!
We are over halfway towards this year's fundraising target of £15,000. Thank you so much for all your support so far, and we are looking forward to our Summer Fair and other events coming up this term to help us reach the target!
Your School Lottery - sign up to play!
Don't forget you can still sign up to play our School Lottery, with a chance to win a weekly prize and even the big jackpot of £25,000! The school receives funds from every ticket bought. Sign up here.
Clothing donations collection bin
A reminder that we have a collection bin at school for your unwanted clothing and shoes! The bin is located just inside the black gates by the school main entrance, towards the juniors' playground.
Car Boot Sale on Sunday 9th June - can you help?
We need some volunteers to help Caroline at the rescheduled car boot sale - car directions/parking and general hands on the day. If you can help, please let your Class Rep know or post a message on the PSA WhatsApp. Spaces are still available at the sale, so if you are planning a clear out over the half-term break, message Caroline on 07912 672694 to book a slot to sell!
Summer Raffle prizes - can your business donate?
We are starting to gather together prizes for our Summer Raffle, which will be drawn at the Fair on Saturday 15th June. If you have a business, or know of a local business, that would be interested in donating a prize (and in return advertising to our large school community!) please contact us by email at: fernfestevent@gmail.com.