Key Dates
Tuesday 27th March
Year 4 Spring performances 9.15am & 1.50pm
Wednesday 28th March
Year 4 Spring performance 9.15am
Thursday 29th March
Easter bonnet parade (in school)
Easter Holiday (mufti day)
School closes at 1.30pm
Monday 16th April
Children return to school
Thursday 19th April
Year 5 parents meeting - residential trip 9am
Friday 20th April
Year 4 parent talk re. Thames Young Mariners Sleepover 9am
Y5 residential trip cake sale
Tuesday 24th April
Lavender class parent assembly 2.45pm
A full list of dates for the summer term can be found on our website here.
Attached Documents
Year group newsletters
Governors letter
Easter workshops:
Masquerade drama
Magpie Makes crafts
Cricket Trials
Can you help in our garden?
We are looking for some volunteers to come and help us get our garden Spring ready on Saturday 28th April 10-2pm with Mrs Dutra & Mrs Evans. Please pop the date in your diary and feel free bring the family - everyone is welcome!
Cricket Trials
Cricket trials - Twenty20 Community cricket are holding academy trials for budding cricketers in years 3-5. Please see attached flyer for more information.
Tissues Please!
We are out of stock of tissues in school. If you're able to send your child in with a box of tissues for their class we would be grateful. Many thanks.
Chess Club Challenge
During the Spring Term, Fern Hill once again took part in the UK Chess Challenge which attracts around 50,000 children from schools and clubs in UK.
In the Beginners Chess congratulations go to Leo who won the Trophy for first place. Leo qualifies for the Megafinal along with players scoring the highest in their age groups. They were: Riley, Catrin, Ethan, Lianne, and Zachary.
In Advanced Chess, congratulations to Jesse who came first and lifted the trophy. Jesse qualifies for the Megafinal along withplayers with the highest score in their age groups. They were: Nicolas, Maya, Lucy, Wanying and William.
We wish them all the best of luck at the Megafinal!
Year 4 Production of Beauty & The Beast
There will be three performances for the parents & carers of year 4 children. A 9.15am performance on 27th & 28th March. Also an afternoon performance on 27th March at 1.50pm.
We politely request that you attend just one performance with a maximum of two spectators per family so that we are able to accommodate everyone on the day that suits them.
Thank you. Year 4.
KS2 Library Reopening
Unfortunately we are unable to open the KS2 library to the children next week due to the extent of damage and disruption caused during the parent consultation meetings this week.
In addition to damage to books, a number of books and sets of books have been taken. Please can I ask for all books to be returned.
We have postponed the opening until the start of the summer term. I know the children, as well as staff are disappointed, as many are very enthusiastic to start the 100 book challenge.
These books can be found in the local public libraries if your children would like to start to read them over the Easter break.
Mr. Scott
End of Term Reminders
School closes early next week for the Easter break. Please collect your children promptly 1.30pm on Thursday 29th March. Fit 4 Sport will run until 6pm as usual on this day.
There are no school clubs running next week except for science & cricket on Monday, Rugby on Tuesday and hockey on Wednesday.
Hopefully the new summer term will bring with it some warm and sunny weather. The children are permitted to wear summer uniform after the Easter break if they wish. Follow this link to view our school uniform page as a reminder of our summer uniform.
Girls summer dresses are now available to buy from the PMG school wear shop in Tolworth.
Autism Awareness Week
Next week (26 March - 2 April) we will be taking part in Autism Awareness Week. This will be a chance for pupils to reflect on what makes us all different and how this can be celebrated. Some of the resources we will be using can be found on the NAS (National Autistic Society) website
Parent Governor Election
Fern Hill are looking to elect a new Parent Governor in May 2018 to commence the role in the Autumn term 2018. If you are interested in the role, please refer to the letter attached below.
PSA Easter Themed Event
On Monday our nursery and reception classes were treated to a story telling and hot chocolate afternoon organised by our PSA. Families were invited to enjoy stories, sing easter songs and create easter crafts. A good was has by all.
The overall winner this week is Kingston
Easter Chicks - Living Eggs
This week we once again welcomed 10 little eggs to observe and nurture. The embryo eggs arrive a couple of days before they are due to hatch. They are kept in special incubators in school where the children are able to watch them hatch. Next week they will be visiting the classrooms where the children will be taught how to safely handle them if they wish.
PSA News
Bounce For Books
A huge thank you to all parents who so generously donated to this year's Bounce For Books event. We raised over £3,300! This is a brilliant total so thank you very much for your support. All the money will be used to buy new reading books for the children.
Summer Fair
Our Summer Fair will be held on Saturday 16th June, from 12.00 – 3.00 pm. It’s our biggest fundraising event of the year and we’ll be sending out more information about it after the Easter break. This year the PSA will be creating an A3 colour poster to accompany the Fair. It will feature the 2018/19 academic calendar with holidays and key dates marked as a helpful visual tool for families and will be bordered with adverts from local businesses. If you'd like the opportunity to advertise your business before we reach out to the local community please contact Victoria Wilson on We would also like to offer families the opportunity to host a stall at the Fair to promote their business. The stalls will be in the courtyard area opposite school reception at the entrance to the Fair and are available at a rate of £20 per pitch. If you are interested, please email for further information and a booking form by Friday 27th April.
Weekly Attendance
Well done to year 2 who had the best year group attendance for this week.
Larch class win the cup for 100% attendance this week!
Well done Larch Class
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 92.90% | |
Year 1 | 95% | |
Year 2 | 98% | Well done |
Year 3 | 97.84% | |
Year 4 | 97.42% | |
Year 5 | 96.2% | |
Year 6 | 95.67% |
Daisy Newsletter 23.3.18
Reception Newsletter - 23.03.18
Year 1 newsletter 23.03.18
Year 2 Newsletter 23.03.18
Year 3 newsletter 23.03.18
Year 4 newsletter 23.3.18
Year 5 Newsletter 23.03.18
Year 6 newsletter 23.3.18
Cricket Trials for years 3-5
Magpie Makes - Easter Workshop
Parent Governor Election Letter