Key Dates
Monday 20th November
Year 2 Cinema Trip
Tuesday 21st November
Prospective parent tours 1.45pm
Elder Class assembly 2.45pm
Wednesday 22nd November
Year 4 Thames Explorers
PSA Meeting 7.30-9pm
Thursday 23rd November
Prospective parent tours 1.45pm
Rec-Y4 Flu nasal spray
Year 4 Thames Explorers
Friday 24th November
Chestnut & Larch flu nasal spray
Monday 27th November
Year 4 Thames Explorers
Tuesday 28th November
Prospective parent tours 1.45pm
Wednesday 29th November
Yrs4-6 FernSpeak Heats 1.30-2.30pm
Year Group Newsletters
You are not alone
A parents perspective on autism
Bikeability Reminder
Year 6 pupils that are participating in Bikeability next week, can you please remember to bring your bicycles to school from Monday 20th Nov - Thursday 23rd Nov. You will also require coats, gloves, helmets and a bicycles lock.
We would like to make you aware that we have a number of children across the school with chickenpox. If your child hasn't already had the chickenpox virus you will need to look out for a raised temperature and the appearance of small raised spots that often begin appearing on the torso and face. See the NHS link below for further information.
Remembrance Day
To acknowledge Armistice day last week some of our children wrote touching thoughts on poppies and created a large poppy made from tissue paper which we have displayed in our reception. Do feel free to come and have a look at their lovely artwork.
On Tuesday 14th, Year 4 held an exhibition of their Stonehenge models, created by the children for homework. Year 3 were invited as an opportunity to inspire them for next year! The children were really imaginative and it was quite incredible to see all the models displayed together. Take a look at their gallery to view their wonderful models.
NSPCC School Visit
Years 1 to 6 will have received a letter from us detailing when the NSPCC are coming to school to delivery their Speak out. Stay safe. programme to the children.
Please follow this link to their website if you require further information
Homestart Family Support Service
Are you a parent or grandparent? Would you like to help local families?
If you can spare 2-3 hours a week to help families with children under 5, local charity Home-Start can train you to support those having a difficult time. Come and meet us on the 30th November (10am-3pm) at our Volunteer Recruitment Day, at The King’s Centre, Coppard Gardens, Chessington KT9 2GZ, to learn more about becoming a volunteer. The next free volunteer training course will run in Chessington from January to March 2018 (starting 18 January), over seven Thursdays, 9.30am-2.30pm (excluding half-term).
For more details on either the Volunteer Recruitment Day or the training course, contact Angie Ahmed: 020 8487 8500
Showing your Spots for Children In Need.
Thank you for your generous donations to Children In Need today. The children and staf look Spotacular in their spotty mufti clothes! We hope you can support the whole school cake sale this afternoon after school. Thank you to the PSA for organising the cake sale and collecting donations. We will update you on the total raised in next weeks newsletter.
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti- Bullying week has been a real success. Thank you for all your support on our 'Odd Socks Day'. Whilst it was fun to wear different socks, the children also understood that the message behind it was that our differences should be celebrated. This week we have created some lovely art work and writing about what it means to be a good friend and how to be a better friend. The aim of this week was to ensure that the children know what bullying is and what to do if you or someone else is being bullied. It was also great to see a lot of children and staff wearing the ‘be kind’ wrist band in support of Anti-Bullying Week.
Miss Gattey
Dangerous Parking
Please may I remind you that there is NO parent parking on the school site at all, including parking on the grass verge before the barrier. A small number of parents are continuing to park on the grass verge and this poses a significant danger to our children and parents. Please put the safety of our children first and use the neighbouring roads or find alternative means of transport.
Mr. Scott.
Cycling to & from School
Can we please remind all parents to cycle safely when arriving and departing from school. If you have to cycle on pavements shared with pedestrians please be considerate of all pedestrians. Thank you.
Year 6 visit to Churchills War Rooms
Following their topic on WW2 Year 6 enjoyed a visit to Churchill Warm rooms last week.
The overall Team Points winner this week is School Richmond
PSA News
PSA Christmas Fundraising
Look out for information on the PSA’s annual Christmas Fair which will be sent out next week. The Fair is on Friday 8th December from 3.00-5.00 pm; it’s a lovely start to the festivities at school in the run up to the end of term and a great fundraiser too! There’ll be another mufti (non-uniform day) on Friday 1st December when we’ll ask for donations for the Fair tombola and raffle hampers. Coming home today with the children is a letter about the Christmas Fair raffle and a book of raffle tickets. The raffle will be drawn at the Fair but you don’t need to be there to enter, just make sure your contact details are clearly written on the ticket counterfoils. Ticket counterfoils and payment should be returned to the PSA post box in school reception by 9.00 am on Friday 8th December. Please also return any unused ticket books by then so that they can be sold at the Fair. Also coming home today is a leaflet about our Christmas tree sale which will run outside school over all three weekends before term ends: 2nd & 3rd, 9th & 10th and 16th & 17th December.
Lost Property
This box is one of 4 boxes of lost property that we have collected in the past two weeks. We can't stress enough how important it it to label your childs clothing so we can return it to you.
If you notice that something has gone missing come and collect it from outside the school reception on a Thursday. Thank you.
Christmas Reminders - Dates for the Diary
Parents are invited to attend the Christmas concerts:
Nursery Concerts - Thursday 7th December 11am & 2.30pm
Reception Christmas Concert - Friday December 1st 9.15am
Year 1 Concert - Wednesday 6th December 9.15am
Christmas School Lunch - Wednesday 6th December
Year 2 Concert - Thursday 7th December 9.15am
KS2 Concert - Wednesday 13th December 2-3pm All Saints Church Kingston
Last day of Term - Thursday 21st December. School closes at 1.30pm (Mufti Day)
Christmas Cards can come to school - Monday 11th December
PSA Christmas Fair - Friday 8th December 3.15-5pm
PSA Tombola collection for Christmas Fair - Friday 1st December (Mufti day)
Clubs - Please note that there will not be any clubs running on Friday 8th December due to the Christmas Fair. Fit for Sport will be running as usual.
Christmas Party Dates
Nursery - Tuesday 12th December. Nursery Am closed for Daisy party & pantomime
Reception KS1 & KS2 - Wednesday 20th December
(Please note there are no school meals or packed lunches required on party days, parents will be asked to provide a party lunch for their classes. Your class rep will be able to give you further information).
Weekly Attendance
Well done to year 3 who had the best year group attendance again this week.
Elm class win the attendance cup for the best class attendance with 98.89%
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 90.66 | |
Year 1 | 95.89 | |
Year 2 | 94.44 | |
Year 3 | 97.91 | Superstars! |
Year 4 | 93.11 | |
Year 5 | 94.89 | |
Year 6 | 92.22 |
Daisy newsletter 17.11.17
Information Sheet - You are not alone
Reception Newsletter 17.11.17
Year 4 Newsletter 17.11.17
Year 1 newsletter 17.11.17
Year 2 newsletter 17.11.17
Year 3 newsletter 17.11.17
Year 5 newsletter 17.11.17
Year 6 newsletter 17.11.17
You are not alone – a parent’s perspective on autism