Fern Hill School’s Governing Body Needs You!
Use your Legal, Financial and Income-generating skills to support your child’s education
Dear Families,
The financial settlement for schools will tighten considerably over the next few years and school leaders need to take steps to safeguard the education we provide for your children. Amongst the strategies we are exploring are closer collaboration with other schools, cost management, and income generating activities. To support this work the Governing Body needs additional legal, financial and revenue generating skills.
We would really like to talk to you if you are willing and able to support the school in the following areas:
legal advice as we review potential formal relationships with other schools - specifically knowledge of company law, charity law and legal entity conversions;
financial advice as we considerhow best to manage our reducing budget – specifically a knowledge of management information and cost management;
income generation from the school’s resources and assets - experience of identifying brand assets, proposition development, marketing strategy, fundraising, campaign management;
We would like people with these skills to join the governing body as associate members, with a specific remit around the areas above. You would need to attend 2-3 evening meetings per term, and deliver on some agreed actions outside those meetings.
If you can help us, please contact Janet Hilton, Chair of Governors via the school office office@fernhill.rbksch.org