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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

We have two Governors whose terms of office ended in the last 12 months:

Nigel Vivian 

Nigel Vivian

Category: Co-opted 

Date of Appointment: 2nd October 2014

Term ends: 2nd October 2018

Appointing Body: Governing Body

Committees: Curriculum & Achievement; Finance, Resources & Premises

Biography: Nigel has been on the Governing Body since 2012.  Although now retired, he has had a career in a variety of roles in the state education sector. He taught chemistry in a number of secondary schools before becoming a local authority inspector. After serving a seven-year spell as an Assistant Chief Education Officer, he moved into the Civil Service where he joined the Teacher Training Agency, which later became the Training and Development Agency for Schools. His two grandchildren are of primary school age, and he is passionate about schools giving young people a high quality educational experience.

Azeem bashir 

Azeem Bashir 

Category: Parent

Date of Appointment: 1st September 2014

Term ends: 1st September 2018

Appointing Body: Governing Body

Committees: Finance, Resources & Premises

Biography: Azeem was elected as a Parent Governor in 2014 and has two children at the school. He has a particular interest in supporting the school in identifying ways to maximise its income whilst seeking to achieve reductions in its overhead costs. As such he is a key member of the Finance, Resources & Premises Committee. Azeem has over 20 years experience Banking, Consultancy, Oil and Gas, Governmental Sectors working in Leadership roles, Strategy, Finance, Programme Delivery, IT Technology, Cyber Security & Risk Management and is recognised in his industry as a thought leader and specialist advisor across EMEAR.






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